Choosing a Signage Provider

Okay.  You now know what you want.  You've talked it over with the team.  You've consulted the magic 8 ball and now you're ready.  You're going for it.  But wait!  Another decision.  This one can make it or break it... "How do I choose a digital signage provider?"  That's a critical question. Just as choosing the right general contractor can affect the experience you have in building a new home, the digital signage integrator is a critical link to your successful implementation of a signage network.  But how do you choose the right one for your project?

1.   EXPERIENCE - What other projects has the integrator done and how do they compare with the goals and objectives of your project?
2.   BACKGROUND - What field does the integrator come from (AV, PC Networking, Retail, etc.)?  This can give you a feeling of their true expertise and weaknesses.
3.   REPUTATION - Are they well known in the industry (among suppliers and other industry service providers)?  Can you get references for all their recent installs (not just their success stories)?
4.   SCOPE & PARTNERS - What part of the installation will the integrator provide and what part will they partner with others to perform? 
5.   FINANCIAL STABILITY & SCALABILITY - Are they on good terms with suppliers so you don't have to pay in advance for hardware purchases?  If you have a large rollout, is the integrator in a position to provide the resources necessary for such a project?


OUR ANSWERS: 1. Six years and over 250 installs.   2. AV, Marketing, Computer Design.   3. Exceptional. We'll let you talk to our clients.   4. Nothing.  We provide all services.   5. Great terms.  And you'll never be invoiced until the product is installed to your highest standards.